
There are signs everywhere that spring is lurking behind the corner. Temperatures have been unseasonably mild forcing daffodils to bloom and cherry blossoms to burst. People are trading their puffer coats for, well, puffer vests. And when feeling especially defiant, restaurants are serving patrons at outdoor tables. In winter. In Maryland. Sure, it’s a day here or there. But it’s coming. Spring is coming. 

And what better place to spend some of these mild days that we’ll soon be able to string together into weeks then at the Annapolis Town Center. Have you heard what’s cooking over there? Well, if you’re still emerging from hibernation, let me give you five reasons to head there this spring.

Spring at ATC

Courtesy of Mariner Bay Instagram.

Community Gathering Green Space

There are quite a few additions of green space promoting a sense of community at the Town Center. Come for an afternoon or evening, grab a bite or a coffee, and relax in the comfortable seating around a fire pit. After you take some photos in front of the new murals, let the kids run around and burn off some energy. Then spread out under the stars and search for the Big and Little Dippers. I suspect it will be hard to grab a seat once these new additions catch on.

Spring at ATC

Afternoon Tea with Alice

I’ve always been intrigued by Alice in Wonderland, ever since it was the theme of my fourth grade play. Whether you come to meet Alice, sip tea, partake in the crafts or all of the above, this event is sure to excite everyone. Two seatings are available on April 4th. Get your tickets now!

Spring at ATC

Visit the Bunny Bungalow

The Easter Bunny is coming to town! Better hop to it and come see him (or is it her?) between March 26 – April 11. You can reserve your time or just walk in with the kids for a photo with the furry one.

Spring at ATC

Here a Pop Up Shop

Here a Pop Up Shop literally pops up all over Annapolis, and if you haven’t been to it, you MUST visit while they make a return to the ATC this spring. You can’t beat one stop shopping such as Art, jewelry, paper and home goods, clothing, accessories and so much more.

Bin 201 Movie Sundays

I am particularly excited for this creative series of events sponsored by Bin 201. Every Sunday, starting March 15th, Bin 201 will show a matinee with a complimentary wine tasting. Classics such as the Wizard of Oz and West Side Story kick off this series in March. Reservations should be made in advance due to space. 

The Annapolis Town Center has made it so easy to fill your days with exciting spring activities. Perhaps I’ll see you there this spring taking advantage of all there is to do and see. 


Blog by Aimee Lubin.