To most people, “Spring Cleaning” means out with the old, in with the new. But, does anyone really know where to start? Check out our list of the best three places at the Annapolis Town Center to start getting organized – whether it’s your house or schedule!
Bed Bath and Beyond
Even if your children haven’t returned to college, they may still be treating their rooms like a dorm. Bed Bath and Beyond has long been known for its student department, and you can find more than just a shower caddy. Shop all of their essential items to get you organized, like under-bed storage, shoe racks, and desk organizers to help give them that extra push. They’ll thank you later.
Obsessed with Pinterest? Make your boards and pins a reality with Target. Target has anything you might need for both office and home organization that is guaranteed to work with any home decor style. If you look carefully, you can find the perfect bins, storage, and desk storage options that’ll make tidying up just that much more satisfying. Combining style and utility, it might just become your new favorite piece!
Paper Source
Organization isn’t all boxes and bins with labels. Sometimes it’s sitting down and taking the time to plan out your day, week, or even month. And, let’s be honest, nothing feels better than crossing something off your to-do list. Paper Source is constantly updating its inventory of calendars and planners for any type of task. If that still isn’t enough, you can create a custom planner to fit your needs. Stop into Paper Source to check one more thing off that list.